Monday, October 11, 2010

"Forests and Fences"

Zach K.
This was taken in my back yard around 5. I put in it B&W then increased saturation, shadows, and definition. It was still light so I just used the flash.


Michael C-HHS said...

This picture is really cool. I like how the wood of the fence contrasts the wood that fell from a tree. I also like how the wood and the fence are in black and white. It adds to the picture.

Mallory A-HHS said...

I really like this picture! I really like that everything in the photo is in focus. The color of the photo looks really good, i think its good that you went with black and white for this picture! Everything in this photo works really well together, i really like how the limbs and branches are just leaning up against the fence, it looks really cool!! Good job!

Megan L. said...

I like the antique look the picture has.

Joanna W-HHS said...

I really like the antique quality of this photo because of the black and white. The focus on the grain of the fence and the bark of the sticks is nice. I like how all of the lines are leading the viewers eye up and down except for the two planks running across the fence that allow the viewer to look across the image to see the contrast of the two types of wood. This picture shows a nice contrast between the natural world and man's distortion of it.

Patrick B_HHS said...

This is a great picture! The wood logs and the fence blend well, the black & white add nicely to this.

Jonathan S-HHS said...

The title says it all. I like the antique look in this photo. the contrast between the sticks and the fence make the photo look great. Great job!