Monday, October 11, 2010


Stefanie S.
This picture was taken outside of my grandparents house almost a month ago while me and the subject, Jordan, were watching the sun begin to set. To edit this picture, I changed it to black and white and played around with the contrast, levels and brightness. The only light source i used was the natural light at outside.


Anonymous said...

Britney B- HHS

Aww Stef, cute pic! It's adorable. I love that it's in black and white because it shows emotion. Her hair blends well with the grass, but you can still tell the difference between the two. I love it. (:

Courtney F_HHS said...

This is a really cute picture. She looks so concentrated. I think that black and white was a good choice, i also like how her hair blends in with the colors of the grass. it looks really cool.

Kimberly.T HHS said...

Stef-Stef! This is so cute. I love the way you edited it. I like the black and white. Great job :)

Kelsey B. said...

Stef, I love this. Please be a professional! I really like how in focus your subject is in. Her hair goes great with the grass. Black and white was a great choice. Good job :)