Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"Loneliness and Companionship"

Joanna W.

These two pictures were taken in Acworth Georgia of a park bench by the train station. For the night image I edited it by increasing the curves and the levels to bring out the highlights and increase the definition. I edited the day photo by cropping it. The night photo's light source was a nearby street lamp. The day image's light source was just the sunlight. 


LizzieB_BlogComment1 said...

i like this picture but i wish the top close up picture we could see more of the iron curve instead of black. it is such an interesting angle you choose, it made the actual chair look like its curling over and with the leading lines it creates movement to my eye.

Natalie S_HHS said...

I love the comparison between the dark and light photos. It really shows the difference between night and day pictures. I also like how the first picture you can see more of the curve of the iron and in the second you can see the whole handle perfectly! One thing I'd like to see changed about this picture would be to see it in black and white. Overall, awesome picture!