Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"Old Oak Bridge"

Natalie S.
This picture was taken around the lake outside he Hoover Rec.It was taken about late afternoon.  I used increased the saturation and levels on photoshop. Using this gave me a very clear image. Trees around it shaded the bridge to make the bridge darker than the background surrounding it. 


Connor B_HHS said...

i really like this photo. the subject is a great idea. the lighting is really good its dark on the bridge to give it a darker mood then the sky is bright and changes the mood of the photo. the bridge is in focus which makes it stand out really well.good photo.

Joanna W-HHS said...

This picture is really great. I like how the depth of field is really deep so you can see all the details in the foreground and background. The image has good leading lines with the bridge that make you want to see where the bridge goes. This photo has a really peaceful, happy mood which is set up well by the contrast between the bright sky and the shadows on the bridge. Great job!