Monday, October 11, 2010

"Hello Fall"

Danielle C.
This was taken outside my house in my backyard on the first day of fall. I used the sun as my light source, I did not use a flash.


Anonymous said...

This photo is a really good representation of spring. I like the focus of the leaves and you cant even tell what is in the background. I also like the angle how the light hits the leaves. Great spring picture.


Anna W_HHS said...

This is such a pretty picture! I love how the background is blurred, and the leaves are so in focus. This picture really makes me think of Fall, which is my favorite season! The coloring is great, and I like how you didn't edit too much so the picture still looks real. Really good job buddy:)

Connor B_HHS said...

i really like this photo its a great picture for the season. the leaves are in focus and really bright due to the sun. also the background being out of focus puts emphasis on the leaves. the exposer is good except there is one over exposed area, the left side of the photo is super bright but its ok cause it adds mood to the photo. im assuming thats ware the sun was when you took the photo. over all good photo i like it.

Anonymous said...

Shahbaaz N_HHS

I really like the picture. I like the focus on the leaves and the light source of the sun. This picture make me think of Fall, i also like the background and I cannot tell what the background is. This picture is great!