Thursday, September 23, 2010


Robert S.
This photograph was taken at Destin, FL. This is my favorite image because I like that i caught the wave in mid-crash. I also like the beach a lot. To enhance this image, I pressed the enhance button and then I put the definition and sharpness all the way up.


Jonathan S said...

This photo looks very good. It has a great balance between the green water and white sand. I like the definition of the water hitting the shore. Putting the definition and sharpness really helped. Keep up the good work.

John HHS said...

Hello there! This is a really great photo because of how you caught the wave coming onto the beach. The picture also shows the color of the water but it is not so blinding that it distracts from the the subject ' the crashing wave'.

Michael C-HHS said...

This picture looks really good! the contrast of color adds a lot to it and makes all the difference. Both the white and green catch the eye and draw you in.

Anonymous said...

Bobby I love it. We should take a walk on this beach together.