Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"America's Pastime"

Connor H.
This Photo was taken at the Braves v. Marlins game. This pictures antique look os to symbolize that baseball is America's past time. I added a vignette,  and added an antique look. While i also straightened the picture.


Anonymous said...


Abby P-HHs said...

I really like the low intensity of this picture. I also like the variety of this picture and the value of the picture. It would be cool to see this picture with more unity.

Brittany M-HHS said...

I really like this photo! I like how you added the antique color to it to represent America's Pastime. I also like how the lights have a blur effect to it. You did a great job focussing on the field and the atmosphere of the game. I would have liked to have seen it zoomed in a little bit more, but other than that I think you did a great job capturing the image.

Robert S-HHS said...

This picture looks great. I really like the DOF of this picture. I think you got it perfect. I really like the use of antique in this picture. I liked the idea you were going for about baseball being America's Past time. Great job.

Samii G said...

I enjoy the intensity of the photo. It’s bright yet dark and my eye just dances around the page. It’s not just a straight on view but at a bit of an angle and has quite a bit in it that makes me feel apart of the photo.


ValerieT_HHS said...

I really like the way the antique look makes this photo feel so realistic as if your right there. It also makes me feel like I am in the movie angels in the outfield. :)

Christopher J-HHS said...

I really like this photo. The antique look goes very well with this photo due to baseball being America's pastime. I think it looks better than it would if the picture was taken in center field due to the unique angle this photo has. I also like how the people right in front of you are shadowed. The balance in this photo is perfect, there a just enough light and dark areas. I also believe the Braves making it to the post season also adds to the photo because this photo shows the stress they had to overcome in order to achieve their goals. Great photo.