Thursday, September 23, 2010


Tyler D.
The photograph was taken at my family's friend's barn.  The picture is my favorite because the colors contrast well together.  The black and white gives it a mysterious feel. The effects that I used to edit it were black and white, I boosted color, gave it an edge blur, and changed the saturation and temperature of the image.


Anonymous said...

Stefanie S_HHS

Tyler! Oreo is super cute. I really like the editing you chose and I think you captured the subject from a perfect angle. I also like the clouds and the background of the image. Yeah, so print this out and give me a copy so I can hang it in my room. It's lovely. okay bye!

Courtney F_HHS said...

I really like this photo. The colors work great with it. Changing the saturation was really smart also.I think it made the horse stand out from the background, it looks really good.

Zach Kaiser said...

I like how strongly defined the horse's hair is, it really makes it come to life. I also like for you can see the fence in front of the horse's face but it still doesn't disrupt the photo. It looks really cool in black and white.

Jonathan S-HHS said...

Jonathan S
This photo looks great. The black and white seems to make the picture. Boosting the colors in the photo seemed to really help. It looks really cool having the trees and the fence in the photo without disrupting the photo. This photo look great.