Thursday, September 23, 2010

"Tae Kwon Do"

Luis E.
This photo was taken in my backyard when I was training with my friends. I like this photo because even though I'm in motion it still came out pretty good. I used retouch and enhance to edith it.

1 comment:

Ashleigh W-HHS said...

This is a great photo. The lighting chosen for this picture works perfectly. It's not too dark and it really enhances the subject. While the background is a dark shade of green, the subject really stands out in front of it, without fully taking my attention away from the whole picture. Having your body completely centered also works perfect for this picture. Better than it would have if you used Rule of Thirds. When I look at this picture, it makes me think of Karate Kid. The look in your face and the muscles in your legs make me immediately think of intensity, and of having a passion for something I love.