Thursday, September 23, 2010


Anna W.
I took this photo in Tuscaloosa at the Alabama game.  This is my favorite photo because, it was really hard to get a still picture of a butterfly, and i think the contrast of the butterfly and the dull background looks really good. I used color boost and saturation in this photo.


Brianna B-HHS said...

I love how the background seems so dirty, yet the butterfly is so pure. The color contrast is gorgeous. I like how around the butterfly on the ground seems a little bit yellow but as you look towards the back right corner it fades to a darker color. Great job! (=

Kathryn D-HHS said...

I really love this picture and the contrast between the butterfly and the background. The wings are very vibrate against the ground and it works really well. Its really hard to take a picture like this with butterflies because their so skittish but this was a really beautiful and I really like it.

Connor B said...

this photo is really cool. i love how you managed to get the butterfly on such a tainted background. the color of the butterfly is so vibrant it really contrasts well with the sand and glass. the mood of this photo to me is rather dark. only because the place ware the butterfly is i would name it toxic environment. there is glass everywhere and rocks and junk so it makes me think the butterfly is sick or something.

Danielle C-HHS said...

I love this picture! I really like how the butterfly is in focus and it looks really pure. I also like the contrast between the butterfly and the dirty ground, it makes the butterfly stand out even more. The mood in this photo seems light because of the butterfly's yellow color.

Aaliyah B. - HHS said...

I really like this picture. The contrast and the color in it looks really great. I agree that it is very hard to get a still butterfly. I also think that you took it at a great angle. Great picture!

Kimberly.T HHS said...

This is a very good picture. The coloring is really good. I love how the butterfly stands out more than anything else. GREAT job (: LOVE YOU BUDDY!

Anonymous said...

Anna B-HHS

Wow anna, super cool pic! I love the contrast of the lively butterfly on the dull background. The colors go great together, especially the shadowing. I love it!

Anonymous said...

Shahbaaz N-HHS
I like this picture with dull background. The pictures show focus on the butterfly and its really hard to click this picture. The value and light is awesome in this picture.

Katt. P said...

I love how the butterfly stands out in this picture. All the colors are similar but different. The dirty background makes the butterfly even prettier. It's a perfect contrast between the thought of what is ugly and what is beautiful. I also love how the butterfly is clear and easy to see. I know it's hard to get a picture still picture of a butterfly, so I commend you, Anna, for being able to do that.

Molly R-HHS said...

Really cool picture! I like how the subject is in the center because it draws your eye toward the butterfly. I like how there are a lot of yellow colors. I like this picture because it looks like the sun is shining just on the butterfly but not on the background.

Anonymous said...

I love the contrast in this photo. It is beautifully simple. I think that you are the perfect distance away capturing the full impact. I really love how bright the colors in the wings are. I also love the symbolism in this picture. Whether you meant to or not. The ground seems so rough and the butterfly so delicate and pure. Good job, this is an amazing picture.
-Annie ERHS

Megan L. said...

I love this picture. I really like how much the yellow stands out.