Thursday, September 23, 2010

"Moving On"

Molly P.
This picture was taken on the last weekend of August down in Auburn, Al. I chose this photo as my favorite because I absolutely love how Pearson, the subject, is in focus and the negative space is kind of blurry. I also really like how the colors pop out. To edit this picture, first I cropped and straightened it. Then, I intensified the definition of the photo.Under the effects tab on iPhoto, I chose to boost the color, which brought out the color of Pearson's eyes. Other than that, I just messed around with the saturation levels and exposure.


Brittany M-HHS said...

I really like this picture! I love how sharp the focus is on Pearson and how he's not centered. And I also like how the background is blurry and it puts all the attention on him. You did a great job with the brightness and intensity of the colors. I would also like to see this in black and white. Overall you did an awesome job! Good work Molly!

Anonymous said...

Taylor C - HHS
I really like this picture. i like ow he subject is in focus but is not in the center of the picture. you can tell he is in focus because the background is blurry. i like how the picture is cropped because it leaves space for him to look into and puts him towards the side of the image. the photo has a really happy mood because of the brightness and colors used!

Great job :)

Christopher J-HHS said...

I really like the subject of this photo. I think it the blurry negative really adds to the photo because you can really focus on the subject Pearson. I also like how only one ear is visible, it adds to the asymmetrical balance of the photo. Well Done. Can't wait to see more from you.