Thursday, September 23, 2010


Joanna W.
This photo was taken at a Hardcore concert. It shows my friend Sam playing his keyboard during one of the songs. It is my favorite because of the focus on his hand    and the keys. I edited it by cropping it, adding a blurred edges effect, increasing the saturation, and increasing the exposure. 


Noel P_Blog Comment 2 said...

I like how you put the keyboard in focus and then blurred the background. I would like to see this picture in black and white it might add to the rock vibe you got going on. I really like this photo because it has such an upbeat energetic mood and it makes me wont to jump up and join a band!

Anonymous said...

Taylor C- HHS

I really like this photo because the focus is on the keyboard while everything else is blurred around the edges. I like how you can see the entire keyboard and other parts of the band in the background, it was a good uses of space in the picture. I like the colors in the image too, but i would like to see what it looked like in black and white to give it more of a rock feel. i really like this photo! good job :)