Thursday, September 23, 2010


           Brittany M.
My photo is a picture of my cat, Jenny. This was taken in my backyard one afternoon in August. It is one of my favorite pictures in my About Me album. I really like this photo because of the angle it was taken and the focus on her face and in her eyes. I also like how the color of her eyes stand out. I enhanced this photo by boosting the color a couple of times and retouching her face because there was dirt on her nose and I didn't want that in the photo.


Anna W-hhs said...

This is one of the coolest pictures iv'e ever seen. I love how you were able to get so close, and get so much detail of the cats face. I like how intense the color is. The eyes really stand out. You did a really good job!

Katt P.-HHS said...

I love how the cats eyes really pop and adds to her intensity. I also love how the cats fur contrast against the yellowish color of her eyes and that the cat is very detailed.
I would have loved to see the negative space blurrier and the cat head on instead of turned to the side.
But otherwise this is one of my favorite animal photos.

Molly P-HHS said...

I really like this picture because the color of the cat's eyes are really intensified. I also like how the negative background is blurry. The way the cat is starting into the distance kind of makes the picture mysterious because we don't know what she is looking at. Great Job!!

Haley B-HHS said...

I love this picture. The green in her eyes really adds intensity. I like how the ground is blurred and focus is on just her face. I also love the contrast of colors in her fur. The white whiskers stand out a lot as well which I like. I like the angle of the photo as well but i would like to see it centered too. Overall I love this picture and your cat is very cute.

Mary H-HHS said...

i love this picture! my favorite part is how the subject head is focused and the negative is blurred. i love how green the eyes are it makes it really stand out. i also love how you can see all the little details on the cats face. good job bemo!

Joanna Waters said...

This photo is great. I love the deep black of her fur and the intense green of her eyes. You can tell that this was taken outside because of the size of her pupils. I like the shallow depth of field putting her face in focus and her lag and the ground out of focus. The use of the Rule of Thirds works well in this photo with the cats face in the upper right of the picture. It makes the picture more focused on the lazy attitude of the cat as you can see her legs stretched out some. The only thing I would like to see different is trying to include the paw in the picture as well.

Patrick B_HHS said...

This is a great picture. The green eyes contrast well with the black fur, as does the white hairs. I also like how her head is off to the side but is in focus. The sheen on her coat is good too. Overall a great picture.