Thursday, September 23, 2010


Mallory A.
This photo was taken in my car. I like this photo because i really like how the colors of the beads are bright and very sharp and the background is slightly blurry. To edit this photo i adjusted the saturation, boosted the color, and used the vignette effect.


Hannah M-HHS said...

I like this photo because the color shows up very well. The blurry background helps show the shape and different colors in the cross. I like how the corners are darker to make a oval shape of the picture, it really puts focus on the cross.

Kathryn D-HHS said...

I really love this picture. I love the bright beads on the cross and I love how they stick out. I think the cross looks really great next to the cloudy sky. Great Job!4

johndavid said...

i like the covers on the cross.