Thursday, September 23, 2010

"Brown-eyed Looney"

Mary H.
This photograph was taken at the kids I babysit's house. This picture is my favorite because it is very clear and it also shows the personality of the boy. The only edit I made to the picture was boosting the color two times. 


Anonymous said...

This is precious.

Christopher J-HHS said...

I really like this photo due to the clarity and sharpness. It is a very interesting photo but i think it is very funny. I also like how there are no shadows in the photo. Although the photo is not symmetrical, I still like it due to the colors and many other elements in the photo.

Julianne F-HHS said...

This is an awesome picture! I really like how the picture on the iTouch captures his funny personality. I don't even know this kid and looking at that and the expression on his face clearly reveals his personality. I also really like the sharpness of the picture and the emphasis on his brown eyes. The one thing I think needs work is the framing. His left arm (the one not holding the iTouch) was cut off by cropping and makes the picture a bit awkward. Other than that, this is a great picture! Good job!

Anonymous said...

Anna B-HHS

I really really love how the subject is somewhat repeated in that you have his face, and he is holding up a picture of another face. This picture also evokes emotions of happiness which i like as well. I wouldn't change anything about this photo, great job mary!

Connor B_HHS said...

this picture is great. it really shows the personality of a little boy. i love that he is in focus as well as the ipod, it adds a different effect to the photo. the color in this photo is excellent. i always have trouble capturing images on ipods and computers due to the light. this photo has a good mood to it. seems happy and the little boy looks happy also.