Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Zach K.
 I took this photo in my backyard in the afternoon of a barometer. I didn't edit this photo at all.


Megan R-HHS said...

I really like how this photo is focused on the barometer while the background is blurry. The colors are also very clear and bright. It creates a mysterious yet peaceful mood. Overall its really cool!

Michael C-HHS said...

I love how the subject is not in the center of the shot. This adds to the effect of the image and its impact. I also like the fact that the barometer is the only thing in focus in this image. Keep up the good work!

Robert S-HHS said...

I really like this photo. I think its cool how the barometer is the only thing in focus. I also like how the barometer is not in the center. I really like how the barometer has a rusted look. I think it might be cool to see this image in black and white. Good Job!

Courtney F_HHS said...

This is a really cool picture! I think it is awesome how the background is blurry, while the subject is in focus. It leads my eyes to only focus on what is important. Great job:)

Damaris G_HHS said...

For a picture with no edits, this is awesome. I like how the background is bright green with different shades. I also like how clear the barometer is, its detailed. And together this makes a good picture.