Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Molly P.
This is a picture of the back of my car in the parking lot of the church I attend. This is one of my favorites because I like the detail of the image and the angle is interesting to me. I named this photo "Cactus" because that is actually hat I named my car.


Luis E_HHS said...

This is a great photo. Simple effects are sometimes the most effective. The subject is centered which is perfect in this case.

Anonymous said...

Joanna W-HHS
I really like the placement of the car in this image. The detail on the far left is great, as you can see the dust on the car and the reflections of the objects around it. The shallow depth of field adds interest and style as the license plate and the rest of the car are blurry. I'm interested to know if the blurred effect was natural or edited however. I like how there is nothing in the background because it puts all of the focus on the car. I also like the color you picked. It looks almost golden which is a really cool effect. The only problem I see is the spot above the "mazda 6" where you edited something out. It looks like you used a blur tool, but I would suggest a clone stamp instead to keep the look of the metal with the dust on it consistent.

mary Liz H_HHS said...

I really like this picture of "cactus" because it shows so much detail. I love where it is focused on the word mazda. The angle you took the picture is perfect and very unique. Good job Molly.