Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Joanna W.
This picture was taken in my sewing room. It shows my mom's hands working with the fabric and the sewing machine. It is my favorite because, although it shows my mom's hands it was meant as a self portrait. I like the lighting of the image as it allows only the hands and the basic outline of the sewing machine to be visible. I edited this photo by adjusting the curves, levels, and saturation, to increase the contrast and the warm colors of the image.  


Natalie S_HHS said...

This picture is so cool. I love how only the hands are shown of the person and everything around the hands are darkened. The hands are shown in action while sewing an creates interest in the photo. This picture is amazing!

Hannah M_HHS said...

I love this picture! I like how he hands are not centered and how the light is only on the hands. It really adds effect to the picture by the background being darker. Great Job!