Wednesday, January 5, 2011


John David
I used the black and white, solar glare, and grain effects.


Anonymous said...

Great Photo!

Anna W_HHS said...

I really like this picture! i love the angle you took the picture from, and how even in black and white it's very striking. I think the light shining from the record adds a nice effect, and the sharpness of the image looks great too:) you did a really good job!

Christopher J-HHS said...

I love the detail in this photo. The black and white goes well with the photo.

John H_HHS said...

This is a great photo. The fact that we did not get to experience the vinyl generations is truly disparaging. But that aside I like the black and white and the color is truly realistic. The shadows and light that are also present on the record is pretty cool as well. Great photo man.