Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Preserve Winter

Natalie S.

This photo was taken the day after Christmas while walking in the Preserve. I really liked the way the snow had fallen on the log creating somewhat of an illusion. I made this image brighter and increased the contrast. I also decreased the saturation of this image.


Anonymous said...

I like how the snow creates contrast in the picture. The picture creates a feeling of quietness.

Aaliyah B-HHS said...

I love this picture! It's like something out of a scary movie. The colors are somewhat depressing but they all go together perfectly. I like that you decreased the saturation because it really brings out emotion. Great Picture.! :)

Courtney F_HHS said...

I really like this picture!At first glance it looks like a road.I think that decreasing the saturation was a good idea because it gives the picture a warmer feel.

John H_HHS said...

This is a really great photo. I really like the allusion of depth that the log creates because it makes it appear longer than it probably was. The color look great and the image is not edited too much which makes it look realistic.

haley B-HHS said...

I really like this picture! The dark colors of the trees really makes the white snow stand out! The photo has a warm feeling and feels realistic. The log looks like it goes on forever through the woods. Over all this is a really great picture and is edited just the right amount to make the picture feel like you are actually in the woods! Good Job!!

AbbyP- HHS said...

This is a really cool picture. I like the lines the snow covered log makes. It seems like the log goes all the way back through the woods. I also like the colors of this photo. One thing I might change would be to make this picture completely black and white. Overall, this is a great picture!

Ashleigh W-HHS said...

I really like this picture! I hate the cold, but this picture makes me think positive of the cold. Like it's peaceful and warm. And I also like the illusion you created. It really looks like a road but I didn't know it was a log and without the description I would have never guessed. Good job!