Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Tyler D.
This photo was taken in my bedroom on my floor on the carpet.  It is my favorite because it is my favorite verse: Philippians 2:10.  The edits I used to enhance the photo were edge blur, I faded the color and also boosted it.  I also brightened the photo and took away most of the shadows.


Valerie T- HHS said...

Tyler this is such a good photo, it really shows the true side of you that i know. the way the image is edited really gives it a serious feel to it, which makes it show to me how you are serious about your relationship with God. even when there are shadows around you the light of god still shine :)

Julianne F-HHS said...

Tyler, I love this picture! I love how the camera captured the detail of the necklace as well as the carpet. I also really like how the cross contrasts with the floor and how you can clearly see the letters on the cross. Great job! :)

Christopher J-HHS said...

I really like this photo. I love the shadows that the cross
makes, it give the photo a very dramatic feeling. I also like how you blurred the edges, because it draws my eyes more towards the necklace. Great job

DamarisG-HHS said...

This is really a awesome picture. I like how the cross is in focus and centered. It makes it the focal point. I also like the color. I would like to see this picture in color just to see how it looks. Very good picture.

Haley B-HHS said...

I love this picture. I like how the cross is in the center. I also like how the edges are blurred. I love how you can see the words so clearly on the cross. Overall this is a great picture and shows your faith! good job.