Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Connor H.
This photo was taken at Hunter Street Baptist Church Baptist Church.This picture is my favorite because the reflection of the players off of the table mirrors the setup.  I altered a few levels in the picture and gave the picture an antique look.


Abby P-HHS said...

I really like this picture, Connor. I like the low intensity colors of the soccer players and the reflections the bottom of the game makes. I like the view this picture was taken at. Looking at this picture makes you feel like you're one of the players. Nice job.

Sarah T- HHS said...

Hi. I really like this picture. It's really cool because it's a different perspective of a foosball table that I've never seen before. It's from a really cool angle. I like how you can see the different players, even some way in the back. Also, the reflection on the table is really cool. I spy the ball! Overall, it's a good picture. To improve it, I would say maybe take it without the flash if the room was light enough.

zach K-HHS said...

This is a very cool picture. I like the unique perspective it gives, I've never seen a foosball table from this angle. I like how you an even see the dust and reflections on the table and the wear and tear on the figures.

Robert S-HHS said...

I think this picture looks great. I think the reflection looks really cool. I also like the faded look. I think the only thing that you could improve on is the glare off of some of the players. Good Job!

Brittany M-HHS said...

Connor, I love this picture! The reflection of the players on the table is really cool! I also like how it looks like you are on the table actually playing the game. The detail of the players and the colors really make this image stand out. I also like the antique coloring of the photo too. I would also like to see this in black and white. Good Job!

Christopher J-HHS said...

I really like this photo. My favorite part of the picture is probably the ball that appears to be in the middle of the table. The lighting in this picture really adds to the photo, and the shadows make it more dramatic. The detail of the photo is also very good, and I like how you can even see the dust. Great job.

Jonathan S-HHS said...

This is a really cool picture. I love how you got so close to the players. This photo looks great with that antique look and is really cool with the reflection of the photo. I really think the position of the camera adds to the photo because it gives you the players point of view.

Luis E_HHS said...

I really like the placement of the players in this image. The detail on the far left is great, as you can see the dust and the reflections of the objects around it.