Thursday, January 6, 2011


Connor B.
This photo was taken outside. it is actually a small end of a wind chime that i focused in on and then edited with photoshop. i used 3 different photos to edit this photo as well as adjusting the levels. i also added a pupil to make the chime look like an eye.


Anonymous said...

Anna B-HHS

This photo is awesome. The colors really stand out and adding the pupil was genius! It os off balance but that creates a lot of interest. Very creative!

Julianne F-HHS said...

This picture is awesome! You are very talented with your editing. I love how the red of the wind chime contrasts against the dark background. I also really like the detail of the wind chime and think the eye adds a lot of artistic value to the photo. The liquified background makes the photo look even more mysterious. Great job!

Anonymous said...

this picture is very cool because it looks like and eyeball.

Anonymous said...

Shahbaaz N-HHS

I really like this picture. I like how to red of the wind chime contrasts against the dark background. I also really like the detail of the wind chime. I love the liquified background it makes the picture look awesome. Very Creative!

HHS-FaithC said...

This is an interesting photo, I like how the whole background was distorted, it really makes you focus on the end of the wind chime. I also like the idea to make it an eye.

HHS-FaithC said...

This is an interesting photo, I like how the whole background was distorted, it really makes you focus on the end of the wind chime. I also like the idea to make it an eye.

Zach A said...

Sweet photo man. one of the first things i noticed when i saw it was the contrast between the fore and background, the bright red and the dull blue/green compliments each other nicely. Also the background looks like water. i can see some filter elements in some parts of the photo, like i think i see a mosaic tiles filter on the right side. The big red thing is obviously the focal point and i like how it's not centered, that makes me look in other places and see other elements of the photo

Jacob W said...

I have nothing to express about this photo except disbelief. There is no way that this is a real picture. You need to teach me.

Anonymous said...

omg this photo is blowing my mind maaan. so cool.