Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Blind Spot

Robert S.
This photo was taken in front of my house using my cars blind spot mirror. It is my favorite image because I like how I was able to edit it. I think it is cool the way the only color in the image is the reflection off of the blind spot mirror. In order to enhance this image, I changed the image to black and white and then color brushed the blind spot mirror (to make it the only thing in color).


Molly P-HHS said...

I think that this picture is REALLY interesting! I love how the negative space is more in focus than the foreground of the photo. I also really like how the reflection of the blind spot is the only thing in color because it gives the photo a more interesting quality and it's just really cool.
Great job!

Zach K_HHS said...

Noice Ro-Bear! I like how you edited the picture so it only had some color, and I like that the reflection only shows part of the subject.

Jonathan S-HHS said...

This photo looks very interesting. I like how you use two separate mirrors in the image. The coloring is very nice but one thing I would change is to try and get more of the car in the photo. I think this picture is weakened by the fact that the big camera takes away from the subject. Other than that I love the photo. Good job!!!

Connor H-HHS said...

This is an almost abstract picture. I like how the only color in the picture is in the blind spot mirror. I also like how the background is not very defined. It helps you to focus on the foreground better.One thing i might change would be to reverse the part that is colored and the part that is black and white.