Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Beauty in Flower

Damaris G.
This picture was taken at my house of some fresh flowers. The original color of flower is yellow but i made it sepia while editing it. i think the strength of this picture is how detailed it is and the different shades it has. 


Taylor C - HHS said...

I love this picture! I love how the colors are sepia tone and the shadows create depth and interest. i also like how the middle of the flower is not centered, but it is still the main focus point!
great job :)

Joey B said...

This is a really great picture. I like how you edited the color of the flower. Also the detail is very intense. Great job.

Anonymous said...

I like this flower a lot. You can really see all of the detail and the sepia tone really adds color without too much color. I also like how the center of the flower is kind of in the middle but you look first at the petals and come into the middle.
-Nicole ERHS

Mallory A-HHS said...

I really like this picture! I really like that it i in sepia tone, it works really well. The detail in the flower is very interesting. I really like how the flower looks and how the petals are very light and the middle of the flower is very dark! great job!

Aaliyah B-HHS said...

I really like this picture. I love how the flower is so close but the angle is different. Putting it in sepia was a good idea because it seems classic. This picture could be in an old love story. This is a great picture!

Megan R-HHS said...

This photo is so beautiful! I love the colors. It makes the photo look antique and fragile. The detail really adds to the photo as well! Its a great photo, good job!

Tyler D-HHS said...

This picture looks really cool. I like how detailed the center of the flower is and how it is the focal point of the image. It adds depth to the photo and the sepia tone makes the picture look ten times better.

Molly R-HHS said...

I Love this! I love how how the flower is in sepia tone. I also like how the front of the flower is out of the focus but the center and back of the flower is in focus. Since the flower is up close it draws the viewers eye right to the flower....good job!!

Michael C-HHS said...

I love this picture. The shadows in the image really enhance the quality. I also like how the shadows contrast with the opposite bright light on the petals. Keep up the good work!

Susan Sanchez said...

i really like this picture. i think that the color of sepia you put made the flower look beautiful and i also like the way how you shoot the picture from an angle.

Ashley S said...

I like the color of your flower i also like the angle that you used to take it good job.