Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Elizabeth B.
This photo was taken for the reflection project.


Anonymous said...

Yee! I really like this picture and how you used the mirror to capture different images. Way to represent for Hoova

Mackenzie C

Connor B_HHS said...

i really like this photo its cool how you managed to get the reflection to look like 2 people staring. also the setting of this photo adds a darker mood to the entire photo. good job. the exposure of this image is also good there isnt any underexposed areas or over exposed. overall its a cool photo.

Noel P_blog comment 10 said...

you did a really great job keeping your subject in focus even though there is alot of distracting things going on in the picture. the dark area in the back ground really helps to let the mirror part stand out and infassies your subject.the shattered glass and rain did a good job giving this photo a really sad and scary mood. overall i really like your photo you did a great job.

Katt P.-HHS said...

I LOVE this image. I love how the mirror is broken and each piece goes together but is broken up. I also love how the background of the image looks like the inside of a building. Also the image in the mirror kinda looks like its raining, which is incredible. The entire photo works together even though its broken apart. This image is perfectly done, good Job! (:

chris b. HHS said...

this is a really great photo, the broken mirror makes everything look really cool and the way that theres more than one reflection is good too, great picture