Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fisherman's Hands

Connor B.

I took this photo about 2 weeks ago for the portrait assignment. i like this photo because i managed to get the line in focus as well as his hands.i chose it because i like all the detail in it.


Christopher J-HHS said...

I really like this photo over all. I like the detail and the clarity of the hands and the fishing wire. I also like the shadows produced by the hands. The depth in this photo is great, and I also like the somewhat blurry background. Great job.

Brittany M-HHS said...

I love this photo! It has GREAT detail on the hands and the fishing line. I really like how you got so close to the subject and how the background is blurry to make the hands the main focus. Also the black and white effect really adds to the image. Awesome job!

Joanna W-HHS said...

This image is really interesting. I like the shallow depth of field with the focus on the hands and the line. The contrast of the shadows and light on the hands creates a nice balance. This photo really tells the story of a fisherman, showing the care he takes to set up his equipment. Great photo Connor!

Michael C-HHS said...

I really like this photo because of the shadows in the picture. The detail also adds to the photo. I like this photo in black in white.

Brianna B_HHS said...

The value in this picture is amazing, I love how his fingers are light, but the background is dark. I also like how it almost looks like radial symmetry, because the four fingers all come together at a different direction, but have the same idea. The pattern could also be used in the same since, because his fingers come together at one point. The positive space in this image is cool, because even though the background probably wasn't that far away from the fingers, it looks like it could be a mile away. Great job (:

Anonymous said...

Anna B-HHS

I love this picture because of the detail and shadows, and how is is mostly positive space. There is also a great asymmetrical balance to the photo It gives off a very personal and intimate vibe that makes you feel close to the person in the photo even though we can only see their hands. The low intensity makes it feel mare rugged and raw. It also explains a lot about the person.

Natalie s_HHS said...

This picture is awesome! I love how you can see the detail of the hands in this picture. The black and white for this photo was the perfect choice! I would also like to see this image in sepia as well. Overall, this picture is amazing!