Thursday, November 18, 2010


Natalie S.

This picture was taken at the end of October at a pumpkin patch. My cousin Anthony loves pumpkins so i thought this picture of him described him perfectly! I love how the colors stand out brightly and how the object of the photo, Anthony, is out of the center of the picture creating interest.


Anonymous said...

I LOVEEE this! The colors are great! His clothes are bright and bold against the ground so it makes him the focus. The shadow looks cool too. The pumpkin and ground blend well together but you can still see the difference between the two which I love

Britney B-HHS

Julianne F-HHS said...

This is such a cute picture! I love how you captured the expression on his face and got the pumpkin and his shadow in the picture as well. The only thing I would improve are the light levels. If the image was darker you could probably see more details of his face. Overall, great job!

Anonymous said...

Joanna W-HHS
This picture is really well balanced. The boy's face in the top right corner balances with the pumpkin in the lower left corner and his shadow in the middle. The contrast between the bright orange of the ground and the pumpkin with the shadows of the boy and the pumpkin really allow the focus of the picture to stand out. I like how some of the vine is included in the top part of the picture. This along with the boy's expression and position really evoke the feeling of excitement of being at a pumpkin patch as a child.