Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Summer in November

Stefanie S.

I took this picture about a week ago in Old Town Helena while I was doing a shoot of one of my friends. I thought it was funny seeing this little patch of flowers surrounded  by dead leaves and bare trees in the middle of November. 


Anonymous said...

I like this picture. I also was there when you took this, which makes it all the better. But i really like how your in focus on the flower and everything else is blurred. Its awesome. =)

Kathryn D-HHS said...

I really love this Picture! I love how one flower is in focused in and the rest is blurred. It's also very detailed and I really like that as well. Great Job :)

Danielle C-HHS said...

I love this picture! I really like how the background is blurred and the flower is in focus. The image creates a really good texture of the flower, almost like you could reach out and touch it. Though I do like the intensity of the image,I would like to see the tone a little bit lighter; especially in the right side of the image. But overall, it's a really good image! Great job!

ValerieT-HHS said...

Stef, i really love the texture of this image, i feel like i could touch the flower. the space in the image is very positive. i love the emphasis on the flower it really brings the image to life even though its not the only flower in the image. i also really love how the green color is bold and dark to bring out the yellow in the flower..... anyway i love this picture!!!

Noelp_ blog comment 8 said...

I really like your photo you did a great job at keeping Emphasis on your subject making the space loog positive and then incising the negative back ground blur out. Alot of your shapes are organic because there mainly of flowers. You also have a very high intensity of color because all your colors are really bright and inviting.

Sarah T_ HHS said...

I really like this picture. It shows the fragile beauty of things around us. I like the organic shapes of the flower and the background. I also really like how you can see the texture of the flower's center. You can really tell that the emphasis is supposed to be on the flower. To improve this picture I would've made the flower off-center, creating an asymmetrical balance. Overall, I love this picture!