Monday, October 18, 2010


Courtney F.
It was taken last weekend in my backyard right before i was about to go riding. I cropped the picture a little, and changed it to sepia.


Molly P-HHS said...

This picture is awesome!! I really like how the face of the horse is in the center, but the rest of the body is off to the side. The angle is really interesting and creates a mysterious feel of the picture. I like the sepia tone effect. It works perfectly for this kind of scene.
Great job!!

Julianne F-HHS said...

This is a great picture! I love how the gentle personality of the horse is reflected in his pose and his facial expression. I also like the sepia tone. The lighting is also great and makes for a clear picture. The one thing I would change about this picture is that I would have taken it at an angle and would have cropped it more on the right. Other than that, good job!

Ashleigh W-HHS said...

This picture makes me want to ride a horse :) I like the positioning; the horse's face is centered and then the body goes off to the side. I think sepia works best for this picture, but I'd also just like to see it edited in color. It's a nice, clear background too and it helps bring out the horse more. Good job!

Mary Liz H_HHS said...

I love this! The sepia is perfect for it. The horse is beautiful. The only thing is that I feel like the negative is really busy so it's hard to stay focused on the subject. But other than that it's awesome.