Monday, October 18, 2010

"The City"

Damaris G.
This picture was taken in Homewood, right when you get off the exit. I edited this picture by enhancing it and making the contrast and saturation high.


Mallory A-HHS said...

Mallory A-HHS
I really like this photo! I really like how all the colors are bright and defined and stand out. I also really like that there is a car in the right corner of the picture , it makes the photo a little more interesting. This photo has a really good depth of field, the photo looks very deep and like it goes on for a long time with the road. I really like his photo and everything goes very well together! Keep up the good work!

Megan R-HHS said...

I love the colors in this photo. It's so bright. The little buildings have a lot of color and stand out.I also like how most of the photo is the sky. The road disappearing into the background also looks really cool. It's a very peaceful photo. I really like it!