Saturday, September 18, 2010

"The Church"

Jonathan S.
This photo was taken three weeks ago at Hunter Street Baptist Church. This is my favorite photo because it symbolizes my faith. It is also my favorite because it has a good contrast of colors. For this photo I increased the definition, sharpness and saturation.   


Damaris G_HHS said...

I like this picture. Everything about it makes it complete. I love the angle it's taken from. I also like how the subject is in a sharp focus.I love the colors too.I see the mood of the picture is happy because it's bright and it's very clear.

Eri said...

When I saw this, I thought this was a painting. The colors were bright, the clouds were perfectly in shape, the grass was green and the stairs actually really add to the picture. With the contrast of colors, the beautiful church really sticks out in this. I really enjoy this.
Erika Y- FPHS