Friday, February 18, 2011


Haley B.
This photo was taken in the classroom for the portrait project. It's my favorite because it looks unique. 

The only edits I did on this photo was put it in black and white and boosted the color. 


Julie P-HHS said...

I really like the lighting in this picture! the shadows give it some personality!! I also like the detail in the picture.

Brianna B_HHS said...

I love the shadows in this picture! They actually look like a dove in the background. I like how the hands look a tad bit deformed because it makes you look at the picture for a minute and actually study it! Great job :)

Anonymous said...

This is a really nice photo. I like the simplicity of it and yet how elegant it is. Good job!

Anonymous said...

I love pictures of hands, especially in black and white. Every hand is different which can really show the personality of a person. The background you used is really cool because it almost looks like a palm.