Friday, February 18, 2011

Close Up

Courtney F.
This picture was taken at my house.I really like it because its sort-of different. I like how it is in focus, and its blurry. I cropped this picture, and changed the saturation a little.


Tyler D-HHS said...

I really like this photo. The detail in the faucet head really adds to this picture. I like how the head is in focus and the neck is not. Plus, the reflections in the faucet make the picture look a lot better.

Natalie S_HHS said...

This picture is awesome! I love the close up detail that is shown in this picture and how the faucet is also reflected in the water droplet! The water is shown up close but the actual faucet is portrayed farther away. I would like to see this photo in black and white as well! Overall, great picture!