Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Danielle C.


Tyler D-HHS said...

I really like this picture! It is very detailed and I like how there are different branches that get more blurry as you look into the background. Great job!

Stefanie S_HHS said...

I really like the softness of this picture! The tints of red really make the picture interesting. I might also like to see this picture in all black and white, though, and maybe boost the saturate but either way, this picture is great. Good work!

Julianne F-HHS said...

This is an awesome picture! I love the way the ice formed over the branch and how clearly your camera captured that detail. The only thing is that the image is cut off slightly at the top, I would've worked a little bit more on the cropping. Other than that, great job!

Ashleigh W-HHS said...

I really like this picture. It's really peaceful and i like how well you captured the ice on the branches. I think it would look better if you zoomed in more, and got the ice in an even better focus. Also, it would take away from the top of the picture, that looks like it was cut off, or cropped out, or not captured in the photo.