Monday, February 28, 2011

Space Zoom

Natalie S.
This picture was taken of christmas lights in front of my house. I selected only the pinks and blues of the christmas lights and then made a tessellation of it using photoshop.


Julianne F-HHS said...

This picture is awesome!! I love the colors and the pattern the pictures created. The colors really coordinate well together and the picture is nice and balanced. Great job!

Hannah M_HHS said...

This picture is so pretty!! I love the neon lighting. You could never tell that this pattern was taken from christmas tree lights. The picture is evenly balanced and the color work well with each other. Great Job!

Luis E_HHS said...

This Photo is awesome. I like the Neon Lights effect, it makes it look futuristic and really appealing to the eye. Great patterns too; sometimes simple figures are the best option for a tessellation to look good.

Luis E_HHS said...

This Photo is awesome. I like the Neon Lights effect, it makes it look futuristic and really appealing to the eye. Great patterns too; sometimes simple figures are the best option for a tessellation to look good.

Omar L. said...

Natalie, this is an awesome Kaleidoscope efect. You did an awesome job editing it and messing around with the colors. Great Job.

Anonymous said...

This picture is really cool. I like how it gives a modern/space lights effect with the neon colors you used.I like that you can't tell what your starting image looked like before you rotated it. Nice work :)