Monday, February 28, 2011


Joanna W.
This is a combination of two pictures. The first was taken of my friend Katelyn in the courtyard while she was studying Spanish. The second is a leaf I found outside the school on the side walk. I put a copy of the leaf image on  top of the picture of Katelyn and decreased the opacity so that both images can be seen. Then I just messed with the curves and saturation to create more contrast. This image is my favorite because I like Katelyn's position and the fact that it was a candid photo. I also like the way the leaf blends in with the tree and makes the whole image look kind of faded and natural. I titled the image Bella because it means beautiful in spanish.  


Anonymous said...

I love this photo. The texture of the leaf on top of the girl's face is such an interesting concept. The colors are gorgeous and it turned out really well overall. Good work. -- AB SPHS

Taylor C - HHS said...

I really love the texture the leaf creates on the girls face. I also love the colors, they are very earthy and dull nothing too bright! Great job! I really like this photo :)

ValerieT_HHS said...

Joanna i love this picture!!
the texture put more effect in the emotions of the image. the colors look great!!

Katt P.-HHS said...

I love this picture!!!!!
It conveys so much emotion. I love how you put the to pictures together because they fit together perfectly. The different textures of the two images work together to tie the entire image together.