Friday, January 21, 2011

Winter Berries

Julianne F.


Connor B_HHS said...

this picture is really cool. very vibrant colors. the focus is excellent and the reflection on the ice is really cool. just wish it was cropped into a larger close up of the berries and the leaf. over all very cool photo.

Brittany M-HHS said...

I love this picture! The color of the berries and the detail of them covered in ice look really cool! I love how the berries are really sharp and clear and the rest of the background is blurry. It really puts the main focus on the berries. The ice on them are so cool and it makes them look glossy! Good Job!

John H_HHS said...

This is a very good picture. It has high quality and detail for a picture that is that zoomed in. Good contrast and color balance. I feel like if I were to touch the picture that it would be wet because of how realistic it looks. Great job!

Zach A said...

This is a pretty chill picture. I always liked things with a red and green color combination. The ice adds a nice element to the photo as well, it refracts the light in cool ways and makes this unique. Also i like what you did with the focus, the foreground is nicely focused and the background is nice and blurry and thats keeps my attention on the main subject of this photo. good job