Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Tyler D.


Zach K-HHS said...

This is a cool picture, I like how the light is shining through the leaves and lighting them up. The angle is really good to. Good job $ $

Katt P.-HHS said...

This Picture is really cool. I love the lighting and how it hits the leaf, illuminating it. The title is perfect because the light really does make the leaf come to life. Good Job!!! (:

John H_HHS said...

This picture is just plain awesome. I like how the subject the plant is in focus and how the light contrasts with the darkness of the picture. Overall great composure and sharp colors. Good Job.

Anonymous said...

i like it darla

NoelP_Blog comment 13 said...

I really like your photo you did a great job editing it. the way you made the light shine in the back ground really added a lot to the photo. I think having your focus in the center works well for this photo , i cant wait to see more work from you!

Hannah M_HHS said...

I love this picture! I really like the balance between the positive and negative space. The colors in this photo really stand out. I like how the plant is in focus, yet the sun really adds affect to the picture! Great Job!!(:

Damaris G_HHS said...

This picture looks really good, i love how the background is pitch black and the objects or subject is really bright. Its a good combination of night and day. Also the branches are really detailed which is good, it balances out the blurred source of light. Good Job !

Garrett S - HHS said...

Tyler this is so good. The light in the background is really cool. And i love the texture of the leaf. Great Job. I would buy this and hang it up in my room.