Friday, January 21, 2011

Robert S.


Molly P-HHS said...

This photo is amazing! I love what you did with the coloring. I'm assuming that you used the history brush to restore the natural color of the flower. That effect makes the gorgeous shade of pink really pop out! I also really like the detail in the photo.
Great job!!

Julianne F-HHS said...

This picture is amazing! I love the pretty shade of pink of the flower. I also really like how the background is black and white and there is a softness to it. It gives the photo an antique feel. I think if it was cropped a bit more, the color would be even more emphasized. Great job!

Tyler D-HHS said...

This picture is really good. I like how its in black and white except for the flower. I also like how the color of the flower is a soft pink and not a bright, intense pink. It makes the photo seem more interesting. Adding more of a blur to the edges also could have put more emphasis on the flower. Awesome job!

Damaris G_HHS said...

This picture really stands out to me because of how the middle is in focus by being in color. I like how the background is dark but you can still see the leaves and branches. Also the position of the flower makes it look good. The picture is well balanced. Good Job !

Michael C-HHS said...

I really like this picture. I like how the flower is the only color in the image. This adds to the photo because there are no other colors to detract from the main subject. Keep up the good work!

Mallory A-HHS said...

I love this photo! I really like how the pink is not bright and it is dull, it gives it an antique older look. I also like how the photo is in black and white but the flower is in color. There is a very good depth in this photo because its not just the flower but in the background there is stems and branches and leaves and that makes the photo more interesting!

Kayla A - HHS said...

This is a really nice photo.It has a sort of antique look too it with the black and white but also how the color of the flower is kind of weak and dull. The soft color to the flower draws it out more and its very obvious what the subject is. Really Nice Photo!

Aaliyah B-HHS said...

I love this photo! It makes you really appreciate the simple things in life. I like how the subject is in color and the rest is black and white. I also like the angle of the subject, like its hiding from the camera almost. This is a great picture!

Connor H-HHS said...

Robert you never cease to amaze. This picture has a great foreground. I like how the pink is its natural color and you didn't alter it any. I would like to see the flower off center.

Taylor C - HHS said...

Great photo! I love how you restored the color in the flower, but the color is not too bright. The colors give the photo a kind of mysterious and sad mood. I like how the flower is in the center so it is the focus, but the leaves around it give it depth and make it more interesting!
great job :)

Danielle C-HHS said...

I love this photo! I really like that you restored the color of the flower, giving the image a simple yet beautiful feeling. The leaves and stems contrast against the soft flower, creating a good depth of field. I'd like to see more of a contrast of the background by lightening up the grays. But overall, great job!