Thursday, January 20, 2011


Sarah T.


Sophie M said...

I really like both of these photos and these cool kids with staches. They are really simple but really good quality photos. Good job love!

Molly R-HHS said...

These pictures are hilarious!! I like how in the first picture the subject is in focus and the background isn't. I like how in the second picture the subject isn't in the center. I also like how the grass and trees are lighter and the subject isn't. It draws the focus to the subject!

Natalie S_HHS said...

This picture is so cute! I love the mustaches that both Katie and Meredith have and how in the top photograph the mustache is the main focus of the picture. I also like how Meredith is looking away in the bottom photograph and is a little off center creating an interest in the photo. Great picture!!

Katie J said...

Well, to start with, these girls are smokin' hot.
But srsly, I really love the idea you had in the first picture. Very original, and it turned out really cool.
The second picture makes me smile. The exposure is great, and the background just.... I can't even.
Overall, picture = A+.

no but seriously tho... c@n I lyk3, g3t th3r3 NumbBerz1?~*~ thnkz bby qurl.

Mary Liz H_HHS said...

I love these pictures! I like how in the first one the mustache is the subject and how Katie's body is blurry in the negative. In the second picture I love the colors, it almost looks faded and it creates the tone for the picture. Awesome job!