Monday, January 31, 2011

Spring is Just Around the Corner

Danielle C.


Robert S-HHS said...

This picture looks really good. I think the colors in this picture really stand out. I like how the first couple of leaves are out of focus. I also like how the subject is off center. I think it would be interesting to see the photo in black and white.

Brittany M-HHS said...

This picture is so pretty! I love the angle that you got of the flowers and the detail of them too! The color and definition really makes the subject pop, along with the blurry background to put all of the main focus on the flowers. Great Job!

Joanna W- HHS said...

I really like the contrasting colors in this picture. The purple of the flowers stands out well against both the bright green of the background and the brown of some of the petals. The shallow depth of field works really well for this close up. It adds depth and interest to the picture as there is a layer not in focus, then a layer in focus, and another not. The detail on the petals is really great. I like how you can see the veins an some of the petals. Overall this is a good composition and really captures the feel of the flowers at this time of year.

Sarah T- HHS said...

I love this picture, I'd hang it in my room! The vibrant colors in this picture really work together. The purple pops against the bright green. I like that the depth of field is shallow and that the closest petals aren't the ones in focus. Instead, the ones in the middle of the photo are. The layering of focus is really neat. The detail is really cool and the fact that the petals are different colors really adds to the picture. It would be cool to see it in black and white as well. Overall, awesome picture.

Haley B-HHS said...

I really like this picture! The different colors work well together. I like how only a few petals are in focus and the rest is blurred. I also like the way the photo is layered. Overall this is a great picture and you did a really good job!

Susan S-HHS said...

BEAUTIFUL PICTURE!! I really like the way how the picture was taken, i like how the color purple really stands out, and i also like how it shadows the picture. LOVE IT!!!!

Courtney F_HHS said...

This is a really good picture! I love it. I love how only one color of the flower stands out, purple. I also love that from top to bottom, the picture goes from blurry, to in focus, to blurry again. This picture really stands out from the rest.