Monday, January 31, 2011

Damaris G.


Julianne F-HHS said...

I love this picture! The colors are great. I also like how the background is blurred and is slightly at an angle. I would've liked the subject to be a little to one side instead of right in the middle. Other than that, great lighting, emphasis, and colors. Good job!

Anonymous said...

Britney B-HHS
This is so cute! The colors are great, & I think his glasses really stand our because of the little glare which I like. I love the angle of his body because it is in line with the angle of the grass. I also like the leaves. It makes his shirt pop more!

Anonymous said...

Britney B-HHS
This is so cute! The colors are great, & I think his glasses really stand our because of the little glare which I like. I love the angle of his body because it is in line with the angle of the grass. I also like the leaves. It makes his shirt pop more!

Molly R-HHS said...

I love this! I like how the subject is in the center. I also like how the background is blurry, it makes the subject stand out more. I love how vivid the colors are as well. Overall good job!