Monday, January 31, 2011

Britney B.


Anonymous said...

The color intensity works very well in this image.

Kathryn D-HHS said...

I really Love this picture! I love the lights and the color against the black sky it looks really cool and it stands out.I love how its really busy and bright Great Job!

Michael C-HHS said...

I really like this picture. I like how some colors like the reds are really saturated. This adds a lot to the image. I also like how the sky is completely black so as to not detract from the picture. Keep up the good work!

Ashleigh W-HHS said...

This picture looks really cool. I like how there is no main focus, and nothing specifically grabs my attention. It's really bright, and you captured the different lights and colors really well. Taking this at night was also a good idea because in the daytime this picture would not have nearly the same effect. Good job!

johndavid said...

i like this picture.

Molly P-HHS said...

This photo is really interesting because there is so much going on but it isn't too much. You found a great balance between the light and dark contrasts which also creates a busy but fun feeling. It makes me feel like I am sitting in Times Square!
Great Job!!

Mallory A-HHS said...

I really like this photo! It is very interesting. I love all of the colors and the balance between the light and dark tones is great. It is very busy but yet it isn't too busy. I like how the photo is very saturated and all of the colors stand out. Great job!

Courtney F_HHS said...

I really like this picture! There are a lot of things going on, but in a good way. I love how there are so many colors and they stand out because of the saturation level.I also like the shadows, and the bright parts.

Katt P.-HHS said...

I LOVE this picture!!! Its looks exciting and has a lot of different parts that tie the image together. I love how all the colors also tie the image together, but they also make each part of the picture stand out. I also love the lighting in this picture, it makes a really good contrast in the different elements.

Anonymous said...

Shahbaaz N-HHS

I really love this picture. I like how there is no main focus. Its really bright and you captures the different colors and lights really well. Taking this at night was a really good idea because in daytime the picture would really not have the same effect.

Sarah T_ HHS said...

I really like this picture! I like how the colors are very intense; it draws the eye to the photo. The lights in this picture look cool and I like how they are reflecting on the ground in the picture. The balance between light and dark is done really well and the saturation is high, but it works for this picture. It captures the excitement and chaos of the big city.

Damaris G_HHS said...

I really like this picture because it has the really dark background then it has the lighted subjects. The different contrasts and how sharp and clear the subjects stand out. I like even the reflections on the cab. I also like the angle it's taken from. good job !