Thursday, December 9, 2010

World Unknown

Mary H.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Joanna W_HHS
This image is great. I like the sharp focus on the eye. It makes the intense feel of the image stand out more. The color of the eye is the best part of this. The detail in it is amazing as you can see the reflection of trees in it. I like the balance of the light and dark values with the skin and the eyebrow. The image really evokes a mysterious mood. It makes you want to know what the subject is thinking.

Mallory A-HHS said...

Mallory A-HHS
I really like this photo!! The sharpness and definition of the eye is great! i love the color and i really like that everything but the eye is in black and white, it makes that eye stand out more! I really like that the person is reflecting in the eye, it looks really cool. Great job!!

Tyler D-HHS said...

This photo looks so cool! I like how everything is in black and white except for the iris. You can actually see the contact in the eye which is really cool. Good job!

Kareem M. said...

I love how the blue/green contrast with the rest of the photo. very artistic

Natalie S_HHS said...

This picture is amazing! You can actually see the person in the eye taking the picture! I love how this picture is in black and white and only the eye is shown in color! I also love the emotion the picture gives and how eyebrow and eyelashes contrast against the skin! Overall, awesome picture!

Anonymous said...

i like photos because she has pretty eyes.

Taylor C - HHS said...

I love this photo! THe color is fantastic and having the rest black and white really makes it stand out! i love how you can see the person taking the picture in her eye! The photo is really sharp and defined!
great job :)

Katt P.-HHS said...

I LOVE This picture. I love looking at picture of eyes and this one is perfect. I love the different color blues and yellows in the pupil compared to its gray and black background, its a really good contrast. Good Job!!! :)

Haley B-HHS said...

I really like this picture! The color of her eye really makes the picture perfect! I love how detailed it is around her eye as well. The emotion this photo gives is really good too. You did a great job on this! (:

Hannah M_HHS said...

Wow, I love this picture! I love the color contrast between the black and white parts of the picture. I really like the color within the eye. Good Job!!(:

LIzzy B_hhs said...

I like how the edges are blurred just right not to much but just enough to draw your attention to the eye; even though, the black and white of the skin and the colored eye dose more for that aspect i guess. very well done. the only thing i don't like is that you can see her contact.

Natalie S_HHS said...

This is an awesome picture! I love how the reflection of the person taking the picture can be seen inside the eye. The contrast from gray scale to the deep blue o the eye creates interest in the photo and make the actual focus of the picture on the eye!

Robert S-HHS said...

I really like this photo. I think the color of the eye is awesome. I like the reflection off the eye. I think that the black and white really added to the picture because it makes the eye stick out even more. The only thing i would suggest is make the eye more off center.