Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Brittany M.
I chose to use orange for my selective color project because I love the vibrant color and how intense it is.   I edited this image by increasing the definition just a little bit. Other than that, it is all natural.


mary Liz H_HHS said...

Bemo I love this picture! The sunset is perfect. I love how the clouds stand out but not too much where it takes over the whole picture. This was a perfect picture for your selective color project. Good Job!!

Abby P-HHS said...

I really like the contrast of this photo. The high intensity colors make the clouds stand out. I also like how a little bit of the sun is still showing. Nicely done

Hannah M_HHS said...

I really like this picture! I like how the color varies at night. I really like how the tower on the right is black it really stands out. The balance between these colors makes the photo look very serene.
Great Job!(:

Omar L. said...

This is a really awesome picture. I really like how the black silhouettes and foreground look against the warm colors of the background. Awesome job!

Megan R-HHS said...

The colors on this are beautiful! I love how the picture is kinda divided into 3 sections-the black ground, the sun below the clouds, and the sky above. It's very peaceful as well. I really like it!

Connor B HHS said...

this photo is really cool. the skyline is very well balanced. also the orange is so vibrant it looks really good. i like how you can still see the clouds and all the details yet the color is still there.

Julianne F-HHS said...

This picture is awesome! I love the color and how you can see the rays of sunlight above the clouds. The texture of the clouds also stands out really well. I love all there's a touch of yellow as the sun set. Great job!

Patrick B_HHS said...

Wow! the sunset has a glowing quality to it, as opposed to being really intense. The clouds add to it as well.

Anna W_HHS said...

i really like this picture! it's very unique for a sunset picture. I love how you made the color so intense, and I like how you left the power line pole in the picture. This picture is very pretty! good job:)