Friday, November 12, 2010


Noel P.

The tittle of this image is crazy Noel because all the colors are so intense. This photo was taken at multiple locations for my name project. I selected this photo because i really thought the way i edited the photos looked nifty. the biggest weakness in the photo is that its really grainy in some parts. 


Mary Liz H_HHS said...

i absolutely love this!! I like how your letters are just regular things, you really had to search for the best thing. This picture is very unique. I also love the filter you used to edit this picture.

Anna W_HHS said...

I love this picture! you did such a great job with the colors. I also like how you edited it because it makes the color stand out really well which works with the images. And i also could tell it said Noel right as i looked at it!

Hannah M_HHS said...

I love this picture!
I love how you used your imagination with making the letters. I also really like how all the colors are balanced and tie together. My favorite letter is the L because you had to edit it to change the color and I really like it!

Mallory A-HHS said...

I love this picture!!
the way you edited the images is awesome! I also love all of the colors in this photo. They all work really well together. My favorite letter is N because i really like how the first part of the N is mainly white and then the rest is a bunch of cool colors. This image is very unique. You did a great job!!

Anonymous said...
