Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Stefanie S.


Anonymous said...

I like this pictures. This picture is kind of scary :PI also like the value, emphasis , and proportion of this picture. It shows unity between 2 people but variety between the house and the humans. I feel that I am also in this picture:P

Anonymous said...

I really like the black and white of this photo. the contrast is great and i like how the people in the picture don't really know you are taking a picture.

Anonymous said...

Anna W-HHS
I like how the lightness of the grass and the people contrast with the darkness of the barn, it makes the picture look more and antique and stand out more. I like how you centered the barn, but the people are off centered, it makes the photo ore interesting. And i like the symmetrical balance of this picture.

Anonymous said...

Joanna W- HHS
The contrast between the dark barn and the light clothing of the people makes that barn seem very mysterious. The grass adds an interesting texture to the image. I like how the barn stands out against the white sky. One thing that might make this picture better would be to back up to include more of the barn. Also it would be interesting if the contrast was lessened so that more of the wooden detail can be seen. I think that the black and white is a good choice, though i'd like to see it in color as well.

Anonymous said...

Megan R- HHS
I really like the color in this photo. It adds a very mysterious feeling. The people are at a perfect distance so they are a subject but they do not take away from the barn. I also like how the vertical lines of the grass and the barn go well together. There is a also a lot of texture that adds to the realistic qualities.

Anonymous said...

Mallory A-HHS
I really like how the barn is dark so the people stand out. I like that the photo is in black and white, I think it being in black and white makes the picture something totally different then it would be in color. I like how the barn is in the center but the people are a little off set. I really like this photo because it is very interesting to me.

Anonymous said...

Molly R HHS
I really like this picture! I love how it is in black and white. The dark barn in the background creates a good contrast against the light grass. I like how the subjects are in focus, but they are a soft focus. I also like how the subjects aren't in the middle. It makes the photo look not so perfect and candid in a way.

Anonymous said...

Ashleigh W- HHS

I really like the depth of field in this picture. I think the balance between the grass, trees, barn, and two people all go well, but do not take away from the obvious subject, the barn. Choosing to go with a black and white effect was also a good idea, because it gives the picture a soft touch, and also makes the barn look aged. The color is not too gray, but also not a true black or white, which i think really adds to the meaning in the picture. When i see this picture, it makes me think of fall and of being with people i love in peaceful places.

Anonymous said...

Jonathan S. HHS

This photo looks really good. Making this photo black and white seems to enhance the whole photo. The contrast between the different shades of black and white make this photo look even better.

Anonymous said...

I like the balance of this house. The house is symmetric balanced but the humans are off centered. I like the color of the house and the contrast between the house, humans, and grass. You would have straighten the image and that would be much better.

Anonymous said...

Patrick B-HHS
I like that the black and white makes this barn look even darker, and it adds to the mysteriousness and eeriness. Thee lighting is perfect. This also gives it contrast on the light clothing the people in it are wearing putting an emphasis on both. This picture gives me a feeling of rage, because the barn appears to be burned, but also a feeling of loss.

Anonymous said...

I think is this an awesome picture. I love the way you edited it and that you put it in black and white. Over all this picture is amazing and anyone who thinks otherwise is dumb. You're awesome Stef-Stef (:

Samii G said...

This makes me think of a memory. Like two people reminiscing a moment in time in a movie or something. I enjoy the contrast and how bright the people are, really centers in on them and makes me think about what is going on.


Anonymous said...

I really like this picture. I like how it looks like the people are going “exploring”. Even better that it’s in black and white, good job. I would have likes it even better if you would have got the whole barn in the picture though instead of cutting off the top and sides.
K.Adams - FPHS