Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Michael H.


Anonymous said...

Hannah M_HHS

I like that the negative space is blurry and all of the focus is on the snow on the branch. The color of the background is beautiful and it makes the snow stand out much better than if it were to have a neutral color in the back. I also like that the snow it on the right side of the picture and is not taking up the whole shot. This photo makes me feel calm and at peace. Winter is a time to bundle up and spend with family, and I feel that is what this picture represents.

Anonymous said...

Katt P-HHS,

I love how the how the negative space looks like fire. The background contrast with the cool look of the snow. I would like to see this image with a bolder saturation of color. I believe this will highlight the contrast between the snow and the background.
The darkness of the plant works in this image as well. It puts emphasis on the snow and makes it look cool in the image.

Anonymous said...

Noel P-HHS
i really like this photo you did a really good job. the branch is sharply focused and i think it works very well for the photo. In your picture you used allot of worm colors and you did a good job at making the colors vivid. Finally the mood of this photo makes me very happy and reminds me of my past snow days. Over all this photo is very well dun and i cant wait to see more work from you.

Anonymous said...

Britney B-HHS
I love, love love this! The colors are great in contrast to each other. The background is bright but blurred which looks great against the white snow that's in focus. The seed things that are dark in the snow also makes the white really pop which makes it look even better. This picture also shows the Rule of Thirds which is great because the main focus isn't in the dead center.

Anonymous said...

I like this picture.
John David

Anonymous said...

Haley B-HHS
i love this picture. The strengths of this photo i think is that the backgrounded is blurry and the emphasis is on berries and the snow. I also like that the background is a total different color then the focal point. Another thing i like about the focal point is that it is not centered it gives the photo more balance. Overall i really like this photo and would like to see more of your pictures.

Anonymous said...

Tyler D-HHS

I like this photo a lot. I like how the the background is full of warm colors and how the subject has cold colors. They both go well together especially with the background blurred but subject is not.

Anonymous said...

Brittany M-HHS
I really like this photo! I love how you focused on the snow and the berries so well. It looks really sharp and clear. I also really like how the background is blurry because it puts the main attention on the snow. I really like how it's not centered, but the snow is still the main attention. This photo is making me look forward to colder weather and maybe hoping to see some snow! Overall, I would like to see more of your pictures.

Katt P-HHS said...

I love how the how the negative space looks like fire. The background contrast with the cool look of the snow. I would like to see this image with a bolder saturation of color. I believe this will highlight the contrast between the snow and the background.
The darkness of the plant works in this image as well. It puts emphasis on the snow and makes it look cool in the image.

Aaliyah B. - HHS said...

I think the contrast between the snow and the background is perfect. I also link how you blurred the background to make the main image stand out. This picture is really beautiful. I wouldn't change anything about this picture. It makes me really happy when I look at it because it reminds me of hope.