Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"Charleston Alley"

Joanna W.


Anonymous said...

I like this picture.
John David

Anonymous said...

Courtney F_HHS

I really like this picture.I like the fact that is in sepia instead of in color.The movement and rhythm is fantastic.Im always looking somewhere else. I don't think that there is a real focal point, which i like.

Anonymous said...

Molly P_ HHS

I like this photo, but I think that is a little too exposed. The sun was probably really bright when this photograph was taken. I like how it is set in a sepia tone, but I also think that seeing it in color would be interesting as well. All in all, this picture is exciting and kind of mysterious and that is what I like about it.

Anonymous said...

Julianne F-HHS

I really like this photo because the subject is the main focus. The soft focus of it adds to the antique feel of the photo. I would have liked to see darker light throughout the photo because I think some parts of the wall are too light. I would have also liked to see the whole side of the building instead of a close up. I definitely think the photographer succeeded in telling her story of an old Charleston alley. The sepia tone and chipped paint on the walls really adds to this effect. Overall, I really like this photo because of the sepia tone and the story it tells. Great job!

Anonymous said...

Luis E. HHS

I really like this picture! The contrast makes it look mysterious. I also, like the asymmetrical windows on the house. The balance is perfect and I like the color but, i would like to see it in black & white.

Kimberly.T HHS said...

This is a good picture. It's a little over exposed though and could be straightened. But over all I think you did a good job.